
Friday, 23 October 2015

have a go sport day

My favourite activity was Gymnastic because I did a super duper cool back flip

it was fun I got to swing on the bars it was fun!!!!!!!! and guess what WE came third and got a trophy. we had super fun. We got we were the best best school ever

Wednesday, 21 October 2015


I have been learning how to do an OREO paragraph.  OREO stands for opinion, reason, example, and restating your opinion.  Restate means to say it again.  I wrote this paragraph to persuade the reader to agree with my idea.

The cheetah can run 110-120 km/h.
A cheetah is fast can run short bursts for Example the cheetah can run , faster than any other land animal. It can run fast then a bull guide. therefore I believe that a cheetah The cheetah is a big cat in the subfamily Feeling that inhabits most of Africa and parts of Iran. It is the only extant member of the genus Acrimony.  to 500 mile (1,640 ft) in short burst

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


 Hi my name is Lorenzo and today I am learning about energy. I am year 5 and I am in killeen class. I am excited about sharing my learning on my cool blog.